#041 CE on 11 June (Speaker:Professor Michael Collins)
#042 Myopic Control Forum 2014
#043 The 9th Asia Cornea & Contact Lens Conference (22-23/4/2014)
#044 Myopic Control Forum 2014 (29/6/2014)
#045 (June News) What have we learned from the bad press about ortho-k in May 2014?
#046 Members Info : 2014 Contact Lens Product Handbook and Ortho-k Informed Consent Form
#047 (July News) Orthokeratology Practice in Hong Kong 2014
#048 老花可否避免? - The Sun (Chinese)
#049 處理老花全面睇 - The Sun (Chinese)
#050 角膜矯形術家長選擇要訣 - The Sun (Chinese)
#051 佩戴隱形眼鏡無關年齡 - The Sun (Chinese)
#052 驗眼服務全面睇 - The Suns (Chinese)
#053 (November News) Public Forum
#054 Vision Screening in Guangxi, China
#055 慎選美瞳隱形眼鏡 - The Suns (Chinese)
#056 紫外線強烈 冬季要戴太陽眼鏡 - The Suns (Chinese)
#057 變色鏡片保護眼睛 - The Suns (Chinese)
#058 了解兒童佩戴隱形眼鏡 - The Suns (Chinese)
#059 定期驗眼保持眼睛健康 - The Suns (Chinese)
#060 幾耐要驗眼一次? - The Suns (Chinese)